Find that fork. Please.


I have a problem. Some people might even call it an addiction. No, no… nothing illegal. My mother taught me to be a good girl. Sure was a long time ago. However, sometimes I can’t pass up a good Margarita…especially at Joe T’s in Fort Worth. Look it up…you might visit Texas one day. But, that is not my problem.

My problem is forks. Not long forks. Not tiny forks that you might use for shrimp cocktail. Shrimp are not a personal friend of mine, but I know about the forks. I guess that I am right on that. My problem deals with short forks that are really made for salads or desserts. Well…I am not sure about that, but I think that I sort of have the correct use. I don’t know a lot of fork facts. I am crazy about short forks for every meal. They work better. I’ve known this for years. Does anyone else realize the culinary delight of eating with a short fork? Probably not. As with all addictions, I really can’t worry about my problem. I have to personally own the problem.

However, the problem is bigger. Much bigger. I am not certain how many sets or partial sets or pieces of silverware I own. I am not even certain where they are located. I vaguely recall seeing a spoon and a fork in my desk at school. I had that desk three schools ago. Don’t get upset about germs… they were clean and inside a rather large size baggie. I don’t think that I packed them. I get in such a hurry when school is almost out and we pack our personal items. I worry. Was it a short fork in my desk? Of course it was a short fork. Horrors! What if it ended up with some teacher without a short fork appreciation?

I imagine that this he or she teacher threw the short fork away with the old markers and crayons. Makes me cringe. Now I have to confess the most disturbing short fork loss. Worse than the marker and crayon garbage. About ten years ago, I fell in love with a set of silverware at Ross Dress For Less. If you don’t shop there, don’t be confused. At the back of the store, they have shelf after shelf of household items, kitchen items, etc. Most every item is totally cool in my mind. This particular set of silverware is simple with smooth lines. It caught my eye immediately. I had no need for it at all. The short forks were particularly special. Just right, in fact.

Just so special and so just right, that other people in my family or perhaps friends have used the short forks. It is true. They have lost them. I am so sad to report this situation, but there is only ONE short fork left in the set. ONE! This is pitiful. They are not in any drawer at all. I am going to make it one of my main priorities this summer to find some of those short forks. I have even looked at multiple Ross Dress for Less locations. They all have silverware, but nothing like my special set. I have looked them up online. Nothing.

The problem is beginning to cause problems for me. Tonight, I decided to have an individual mini Buttermilk Pie that I bought at a pie store. I was just going to eat one half of the pie. Truly. However, the ONE short fork was in the dishwasher. I think my husband used it for his mini pie last night. I was just too anxious for the pie and settled for a short spoon. A forkless Buttermilk Pie. Shameful. So upset that I ate every bite.

12 thoughts on “Find that fork. Please.

  1. You’ve made my evening complete! Nothing like reading one of your stories!! Why is it that to this day I continuously am missing half of my silverware..although I highly suspect a recent, adult son visitor who shall remain nameless along with new Cinnamon Limited Time ONLY Striped Shortbread Keebler cookies that disappeared into said person’s backpack but whom later texted the confession.Have a wonderful week!

    Liked by 1 person

    • First of all…I have never, ever seen those Limited Time ONLY cookies in Dallas/Fort Worth. Poor boy! He was just anticipating being slightly hungry in the near future. Pick up said son’s backpack and see if it is heavy next time. You will know that there is silverware slipping out the door. Our daughter currently has a wonderful Vera Bradley tote. She gave me the tote for my birthday three years ago. Soon after that, she asked if she could take the tote as a carry-on bag on a vacation….her honeymoon. Sure! I was happy to let her use it. The bag had such a fun, fun time that it has yet to come back to my closet. So…my Vera Bradley tote has been to Nevis on the beach and Nevis by the pool. My old Vera Bradley tote has been to some very nice and fun, fun places …but, NEVER to a beautiful island in the Caribbean. I wonder if my short forks are on an adventure in another land!?! One time, all of my brand new plastic glasses in nice summer colors found their way to Austin when our son was at UT. Evidently, some were lost on a kayak or maybe in the hill country while rock climbing!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Laughing as my daughter too just returned some items to me I didn’t even remember anymore! Yes, I’m checking the backpack next time! Yep, love the short folks, Vera and cups all in the mysterious place… our kids hands!


    • No telling how many spoons I lost and I did not even think of the sandbox back then! This silverware I bought after they were grown-up so I can’t blame the sandbox anymore! Ross Dress for Less is a store that sells overstocked merchandise from other stores…at least, that is what I think! Do they any stores up there? Or maybe in the big city? Yes, some of the thrift stores have silverware! For some reason, I have not checked those stores!! I will go tomorrow. I wish that you were my neighbor so that you could go on this search with me! I could buy short forks from a pattern that compliments that matches the pattern of the seven lost short forks!!!!!

      Liked by 1 person

      • That would be so much fun!!! To go short fork hunting! I would love to see Mike and Lar’s faces when we told them that was what we were headed off to do LOL!
        Let me know what you find.


  2. 🙂 I had problems with teaspoons, all were lost. and I did not get, why? Where? Then I saw that my daughter… every time she ate some yoghurt, throw empty yoghurt cans with.. spoons :..:)


  3. So you never found them? Could your husband have taken them to work and left them? My husband took a nice mug to work and I demanded he return it immediately. I have a short fork but it belonged to a child’s cutlery set 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Never, ever have I found any! I thought about my fork problem this weekend…that is why I reposted. It made me feel better to let the world know! We were down at our farm and I counted all of the forks there…two sets and NOT ONE short fork was missing! And we have lots of company there! My husband never takes lunch to work…he likes to go out to lunch! If he took a mug or glass or whatever…I would also demand the return!! I have two children’s cutlery sets…so very cute…saving them for really precious future grandchildren!!!! But…this short fork problem is driving me crazy!


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