Another Butter Recipe! Too Good Not to Share…Oatmeal Cake!



After writing the post about State Fair Yeast Biscuits last night, I thought about another favorite “including butter” recipe from the Southwest Dairy Farmers brochures. I have picking up these brochures at their Texas State Fair booth for years. Can’t wait until October, 2017 for the state fair …when I can get some recipes at their display!


The following is the…

Too Good Not To Share Oatmeal Cake…

Covered with a blanket of pecans, butter and milk!





1 1/4 boiling water

1 cup quick oats

1 stick butter

1 cup granulated sugar

1 cup brown sugar

2 eggs

1 1/3 cup flour

1 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon baking soda

1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

1/2 teaspoon nutmeg


Preheat oven to 350 degrees

Measure oats into a mixing bowl. Add butter, cut in 1″ pieces, and pour boiling water over the top. Cover and let stand 20 minutes. Add sugars, eggs, flour, salt, baking soda and spices. Pour into 2 x 9 x 14 pan and bake at 350 degrees for 35 to 40 minutes.


In a separate bowl, mix 1/2 cup chopped pecan, one stick melted butter and 1/2 cup milk. Spread over hot cake and place under broiler until brown.

Watch carefully while the cake is under the broiler!! This last instruction is definitely an important reminder to myself!!



18 thoughts on “Another Butter Recipe! Too Good Not to Share…Oatmeal Cake!

    • The whipped cream would be the perfect addition or it is good with ice cream like in the picture! I don’t like coffee and neither does my husband! Isn’t that weird…since my parents and his parents drank coffee from morning to night!!!


      • I am doing so much better! Made it back to church last week Sunday and that was such a treat. I am grateful they have padded chairs in the back for those of us healing from various things. Need a couple weeks yet for the hard wood pew!

        Liked by 1 person

      • How really kind for the church to have padded chairs at the back! I know that you were so happy to be back with your friends and to hear your minister giving the sermon! My great nephew (age 8) has his first communion this weekend! They go to the Catholic church…all my close relatives on my mother’s side are Catholic. My grandmother in Nashville was also and my brother changed to Catholic when he married. My family went to First Methodist and Mike & I are Presbyterian! You know…some people just have to be different! However, I have been to mass so many times that I practically know what to do and say! My sister-in-law is coming in from New Orleans for the communion. I’ll pick her up at the airport and then we are going to LUNCH and SHOPPING! Fun!


      • I have only been to a couple Catholic weddings and funerals so I never have any idea what I am doing.
        My kids are in three different denominations….one – Lutheran, one non-traditional Christian Reformed and the other in a non denominational church. It is so cool to visit and worship with them all.
        Our church is kind to give us padded chairs to recuperate on! I kind of wish we would go to all padded chairs and get rid of the wood pews!

        Liked by 1 person

      • What a really wonderful happening for your three children go to three different denominations! I think that their actions are a tribute to you two…to let them be individuals who can make their own decisions. And… have those decisions be based on faith. Such a joyous reflection of your parenting!

        Liked by 1 person

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