First Blogging Anniversary…For Me!


Evidently, I made it through the first year of blogging! The calendar says 3/20/2017 and I published my first post on 3/20/2016.


~I had no idea what I was getting into!

~I had no idea that I would meet so many very creative and kind people from all over the world.

~I had no idea that I would absolutely love reading other writer’s posts.

~I had no idea that I would reach a new level of understanding about cultural differences and why placing a label on people is so incorrect.

~I had no idea that I would remember how much I truly like to write and share my opinions…actually I love to write…I could most likely write all day long!

~I had no idea that I would make so many new friends …friends who share some of the same beliefs and the same hopes as I do.

~I had no idea that I would meet friends who I have now gotten to know more closely than I know some of my neighbors.

~I had no idea that I would gain important friends who I have not actually met in person…much cared for friends who have brought even more joy into my life!




Thank you! I appreciate you so very much!




24 thoughts on “First Blogging Anniversary…For Me!

  1. Happy happy anniversary Pat, my friend! I am so glad you decided to take up blogging. I definitely feel like you and Mike are friends even tho we have never met……someday we will…..I am sure.
    Keep writing and I will keep reading.

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    • Thank you, Faye…my friend who I had no idea existed…and now it seems like we have always known each other! Yes… I am certain that we will meet someday! We will make it up to Iowa so that Lar and Mike can talk about old tractors and all that farm stuff! You can teach me about the chickens and then we will leave for the junk (sort of antique) stores. The guys will want to go too, but how will we ever get those two out of the stores to go somewhere else?! Then we will go see my Decorah Eagles!! Fun!!!!!

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