Forever Young. Unfinished.

A beautiful rendition of “Forever Young”, sung by Norah Jones at the memorial service for Steve Jobs. Although Steve Jobs was a brilliant entrepreneur, this post is about our son, Justin and his high school friend, Norah Jones.

When I saw that the prompt today was the word unfinished,  I immediately thought of Justin and his unfinished life as the result of a car accident almost twelve years ago. It was not his fault, but that does little to take away the loss. Only time and faith heals the loss.

As I sat at my computer this morning and considered writing about Justin and the word unfinished, an ironical something happened. At the same time, I had a recording of the television show, The Voice playing. I missed the last singer to perform last night and I heard on the news that he was from Texas. Curiosity…I felt compelled to hear what he sang.

The talented young man from Texas sang “Forever Young”…similar to the version sung by Bob Dylan. Our son sang and played the guitar…for fun and for his friends. Bob Dylan was one of his favorites, even though he was well known before our son was born. So I stopped thinking about my blog and listened. Naturally, a few tears came to my eyes. The performance was absolutely beautiful. Quiet and subdued and meaningful…like our son.

I found a version of Bob Dylan singing the song on YouTube and listened to it. On down from the Dylan listing, I saw that Norah Jones sang Forever Young at a the Steve Jobs memorial service. What a coincidence that I would hear Forever Young sung on a show, that I would be thinking about losing Justin, and that I would happen to find a recording of Norah singing the same song. Meant to be? Perhaps.

To hear Norah’s wonderful voice is always a joy to me, but hearing her sing this particular song is incredibly joyful. Justin and Norah attended middle school plus high school together and became friends through participation in the band program. I have a school picture from her freshman or sophomore year with a sweet note to Justin on the back. I do treasure memories of his friends. It has been wonderful to renew Justin’s friendships through Facebook and to celebrate the accomplishments in their lives.

Norah attended her last year or two of high school at a performing arts school in Dallas. Within a short time after graduation, she was becoming successful in NYC. Such a sweet and talented performer. Such a special and good friend to Justin. Such a heartwarming song!



18 thoughts on “Forever Young. Unfinished.

  1. That has always been of my favorite songs. I understand what special meaning it has for you. God is indeed orchestrating our lives. We just need to pay attention. Thanks for sharing this very special blog. It’s been one of my favorites. How exciting that Norah Jones and Justin were friends. ❤️❤️❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Jan! The series of events that led me to her video were truly amazing! I knew when they were in high school that she had a wonderful voice, but I had no idea just how wonderful! She and her mother lived here, but Norah had contacts in NYC. Such a pretty girl!


  2. What a beautiful post. And what a great reminder that life is not a series of random incidents tossed together …. but, rather, a well orchestrated song directed by the Master. We may not always know where He is working or to what purpose, but He knows the way we take.
    Job 23:8-10New International Version (NIV)
    “But if I go to the east, he is not there;
    if I go to the west, I do not find him.
    When he is at work in the north, I do not see him;
    when he turns to the south, I catch no glimpse of him.
    But he knows the way that I take;
    when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold.

    Liked by 1 person

    • To my friend… thechickengrandma…thank you for your very true comment! Reading your words just made my day! Life is indeed a well orchestrated song…I knew this morning that I was being softly directed to look and to listen. We just have to open our hearts to the amazing possibilities. The Bible verse from Job surely touches me. He is always there for us…that I know.

      Liked by 1 person

      • That Bible verse is one I hung onto for an entire summer about 11 years ago. My youngest two were in a car accident where they flipped and rolled the car 7 times. We spent the summer in physical therapy, court and in doctor’s offices. I could not feel, see or hear God but I knew He was there at work behind the scenes. The verse often comes to mind after that when life happens and I need an anchor.

        Liked by 1 person

      • I am so, so sorry that you and your family had to go through that summer. What a frightening accident…seven times rolling over…I cannot imagine. God was surely there with you, but you had the anchor that the words of the Bible provide. Sharing your reliance on this particular verse means the world to me!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. So touching and amazing. Like Divine magic orchestrating the series of events that unveils a continuing story of a beautiful soul. Proof that a Soul continues to teach and communicate long after it’s Human phase is complete. I am so glad I read your blog today! Thank you for sharing.
    With Respect, Hope, Joy and Love, Carmela


  4. I’m so sorry to read this, I can’t imagine the pain of your loss 😦 Norah Jones is a beautiful singer. How strange the chain of events that led to you coming upon her singing this song. There is another blogger KangawithoutRoo who lost her son recently in a crash and she posts poignant memories of him.


  5. Wow. What a glimpse into your story. Thank you for sharing. My heart hurts for you as we have 2 sons, and I can’t imagine the loss you must still feel. I know they say, “Time heals all wounds;” however, I have found only faith combined with time can truly heal. Yet, I’ve also found the loss of someone dear doesn’t ever seem to truly “heal;” time just seems to make the living without them a bit more tolerable… My prayers are with you. ❤


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